Local Elections
God of Grace, bless those who vote in local elections. Grant them wisdom and perseverance. May their number increase. Amen.
Kathrine Switzer
Everlasting God, I pray tonight for Kathrine Switzer. In 1967, she was the first woman to officially enter and run the Boston Marathon....
God of Glory, please bless those who celebrate resurrection. Our celebrations affirm that even when all hope is gone and all possibility...
God of Compassion, I pray for those whose lives demonstrate that great strength lies not in the power to harm but in the power to heal,...
Merciful God, I pray for each person aghast at the suffering in the world. When we are perplexed and near despair, send us Your Spirit to...
Ever-present God, I am thinking tonight of therapists, chaplains, and counselors. People who accompany others through the valley of the...
Holy God, for those who observe Passover, I pray. Remembering--instead of allowing history to be rewritten at the whim of political...
Catholic Works
Gracious God, thank You for Catholic Workers, whose lived commitment to peace and justice is an ongoing testimony to Your intent for the...
Creator God, bless those who use the power of 21st century communication technologies for good. We are in the midst of a crash-course on...
Holy God, bless those who love. Theologian Karl Rahner points out that loving another human being--really loving them, not just seeing...